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List as an Abstract Data Type

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1 List as an Abstract Data Type

2 struct Node{ public: int data; Node* next; }; class List { List(); // constructor List(const list& list1); // copy constructor ~List(); // destructor bool empty() const; // boolean function int headElement() const; // access functions void addHead(int newdata); // add to the head void delHead(); // delete the head int length() const; // utility function void print() const; // output private: Node* head;

3 How to use it int i(0); Int j(10); Int k(j); void main(){
List L; // constructor called automatically here for L L.print(); { } L.addHead(30); L.print(); { 30 } L.addHead(13); L.print(); { } L.addHead(40); L.print(); { } L.addHead(50); L.print(); { } List N(L); N.print(); { } List R; R.print(); { } if(R.empty()) cout << "List R empty" << endl; L.delHead(); if(L.empty()) cout << "List L empty" << endl; else{ cout << "List L contains " << L.length() << " nodes" << endl; cout << "Head element of list L is: " << L.headElement() << endl; } } // destructor called automatically here for L

4 Motivation list using static array list using dynamic array
int myArray[1000]; int n; We have to decide (to oversize) in advance the size of the array (list) list using dynamic array int* myArray; cin >> n; myArray = new int[n]; We allocate an array (list) of any specified size while the program is running linked-list (dynamic size) size = ?? The list is dynamic. It can grow and shrink to any size.

5 Using a static array

6 Or int head[DIM]; int size; cont int DIM=10000;
struct Node{ public: int data; Node* next; }; class List { List(); // constructor List(const List& list1); // copy constructor ~List(); // destructor bool empty() const; // boolean function int headElement() const; // access functions void addHead(int newdata); // add to the head void delHead(); // delete the head int length() const; // utility function void print() const; // output private: int head[10000]; int size; Or int head[DIM]; int size; cont int DIM=10000;

7 Implementation Some simple member functions: List::List(){
head = NULL;  size = 0; } bool List::empty() const{ if(head==NULL) return true; else return false; int List::headElement() const { if(head != NULL) return head->data; else{ cout << "error: trying to find head of empty list" << endl; exit(1); If (size==0) return true; else return false; If (size!=0) return head[0]; else …;

8 (explicitly defined) copy constructor:
List::List(const list& list1) { head = NULL; Node* cur = list1.head; while(cur != NULL) { // addEnd(cur->data); addHead(cur->data); // inverse list order cur = cur->next; } If (list1.size!=0) for (int i=0; i<list1.size; i++) head[i]=list1.head[i];

9  Nothing here as it’s static.
Destructor: deallocation function List::~List(){ Node* cur; while(head!=NULL){ cur = head; head = head->next; delete cur; }  Nothing here as it’s static.

10 Adding an element to the head:
void List::addHead(int newdata){ Node* newPtr = new Node; newPtr->data = newdata; newPtr->next = head; head = newPtr; } If (size<10000) { for (int i=size; i>=;i--) head[i+1]=head[i]; head[0]=newdata; size++; }

11 Deleting the head: void List::delHead(){ if(head != NULL){
Node* cur = head; head = head->next; delete cur; } for (int i=1; i<size;i++) head[i-1]=head[i]; size--;

12 Print the list: void List::print() const{ cout << "{";
Node* cur = head; while(cur != NULL){ cout << cur->data << " "; cur = cur->next; } cout << "}" << endl; for (int i=0; i<size;i++) cout << head[i];

13 Computing the number of elements of a given list:
int List::length() const{ int n=0; Node* cur = head; while(cur != NULL){ n++; cur = cur->next; } return n;  return size;

14 Using a dynamic array

15 struct Node{ public: int data; Node* next; }; class List { List(); // constructor List(const List& list1); // copy constructor ~list(); // destructor bool empty() const; // boolean function int headElement() const; // access functions void addHead(int newdata); // add to the head void delHead(); // delete the head int length() const; // utility function void print() const; // output private: int* head; int size;

16 Some simple member functions:
Implementation Some simple member functions: List::List(){ } bool List::empty() const{ int List::headElement() const {

17 (explicitly defined) copy constructor:
List::List(const List& list1) { }

18 Other functions … List::~List(){ delete[] head; }

19 void main(){ List L; // constructor called automatically here for L L.print(); { } L.addHead(30); L.print(); { 30 } L.addHead(13); L.print(); { } L.addHead(40); L.print(); { } L.addHead(50); L.print(); { } List N(L); N.print(); { } List R; R.print(); { } if(R.empty()) cout << "List R empty" << endl; L.delHead(); if(L.empty()) cout << "List L empty" << endl; else{ cout << "List L contains " << L.length() << " nodes" << endl; cout << "Head element of list L is: " << L.headElement() << endl; } } // destructor called automatically here for L Conclusion: the usage is the same!!! No matter it is linked list, static array or dynamic array!

20 List as a template

21 template<typename T>
class List { public: List(); // constructor List(const List& list1); // copy constructor ~list(); // destructor bool empty() const; // boolean function int headElement() const; // access functions void addHead(T newdata); // add to the head void delHead(); // delete the head int length() const; // utility function void print() const; // output private: T* head; int size; };

22 Some simple member functions:
Implementation Some simple member functions: template<typename T> List::List(){ head=NULL; size=0; } bool List::empty() const{ T List::headElement() const {

23 Other functions … template<typename T> List::~List(){
delete T[] head; }

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