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Identifying Antisocial Behavoiur. e-beat Behaviour which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people who are not.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying Antisocial Behavoiur. e-beat Behaviour which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people who are not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying Antisocial Behavoiur

2 e-beat Behaviour which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people who are not in the same household as the perpetrator. Replace this text with the definition of antisocial behaviour that the Students developed in the last session

3 e-beat Class Activity Use the hierarchy sheet like this on your table to sort the antisocial behaviour cards your group has been given. The most antisocial will be at the top. Try to come to a democratic decision.

4 Class sort together of the cards A group of mates are collecting together in a street. Their behaviour is rowdy and noisy, but they are just having a laugh. Some old sofas and chairs have been dumped on an area of grass in an estate. Loud music is being played and can be heard from at least six houses away. Someone is setting off fireworks late at night. Someone from a group is shouting names and saying nasty things to people passing by. A small group is sitting around a street corner drinking bottles of cider. Someone has sprayed graffiti on a house wall at the end of a terrace. A small group wearing hoodies are circling around people as they walk up the street. They are asking for money for bus fare. (It might be for drink or drugs.) Some young people are playing football in the street and the ball keeps going into other peoples gardens. There is always someone where the kids hang out who has drugs to sell. The person approaches kids without being invited.

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