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Joint Cedefop-DG EAC Eurobarometer on LLL

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2 Joint Cedefop-DG EAC Eurobarometer on LLL
Anne-France Mossoux

3 Structure of presentation
1. Context 2. Why a Eurobarometer on LLL? 3. How does the standard Eurobarometer survey work? 4. Questionnaire development 5. Questionnaire structure 6. Time plan

4 1. Context - demand for comparable data and indicators on LLL - the data currently available at EU level are not suitable, and new material will not be available for some time yet - Cedefop is hosting a conference on LLL under the Greek Presidency

5 1. Context  gather new and innovative information about LLL from the perspectives of individuals themselves

6 2. Why a Eurobarometer on LLL?
A feasibility study for a harmonised EU- wide opinion survey on VET was commissioned by Cedefop in 1999. Accordingly, the Eurobarometer is the best existing option to collect comparable data in a rapid and cost- efficient manner on citizens’ opinions.

7 3. How does the standard EB survey work?
- coverage: 15 MS (in this case: + N and ISL) individuals interviewed per country (except L, D and UK) - face-to-face interview - characteristics of sample: 15+, representative in terms of gender, age, NUTS2 region and urbanisation level - 10 standard demo questions

8 4. Questionnaire development
- questionnaire design + drafts developed in Cedefop by a group of VET experts - testing - consultation of partners - revision - technical revision - finalisation

9 5. Questionnaire structure
5 modules: - background info + general opinion (Q4-Q5 / Q15) - past learning experiences (Q6-Q8) - learning preferences (Q9-Q10) - future intentions, obstacles and incentives (Q11-Q13) - policy-relevant aspects of LLL (Q14 / Q16-Q18)

10 6. Time plan - Dec 2002: finalisation of questionnaire in EN and FR - Jan 2003: send-out to national agencies, translation and preparation for fieldwork; start of fieldwork - Feb 2003: end of fieldwork; data processing; delivery of data

11 6. Time plan Cedefop will be in charge of the data analysis and publication of the results Two separate publications: brochure presenting the highlights of the survey: by end May 2003 fuller report : by early 2004

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