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Their mutual relationship and what we can expect in the years to come

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1 Their mutual relationship and what we can expect in the years to come
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum Health and Wealth – Their mutual relationship and what we can expect in the years to come Björn Ekman, PhD Researcher, Health Economics Lund University, Sweden Stockholm, November 8, 2016

2 Where are we and how did we get here…?
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum Where are we and how did we get here…? BSR – Significant gains in human welfare over past half-decade: Sustained economic growth Improvements in population health Stronger wellfare systems However …! Economic growth as GDP and broader measures of welfare. LEB, mortality rates, infectious diseases are up/down. Institutionalized social protection.

3 …old challenges remain and new ones are forming…
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum …old challenges remain and new ones are forming… An unfinished agenda Significant differences across and within countries Sustainability of progress not assured Suggesting … Emerging challenges and threats Demographic transition Epidemiological changes Climate change Cancer health care costs e1,5b/yr in Norway; total costs e10b?

4 A three-pronged approach: Safe-guard achievements
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum The Solutions A three-pronged approach: Safe-guard achievements Address remaining and emerging challenges Think and act across sectors and in new ways For example … Alcohol causes seven types of cancers (Connor, 2016, Addiction) Multi/Co-morbidity: vast majority of 80+ have multiple diagnoses. Financial returns on investments are large: E.g. RoI: 300%+ on worksite efforts to improve physical activity. Excise tax on harmful products and substances highly cost-effective and cost-beneficial, due to large health effects, small relative costs, and large absolute impacts.

5 Significant returns to investments across most health domains…
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum Significant returns to investments across most health domains… Workplace programs to increase physical activity: RoI 300% Community-based programs to promote mental health among children: 9:1 economic return 10% increase in tobacco tax increases probability of smoking cessation by 2% in Poland and Russia Scaling up CE investments to promote road-traffic safety would reduce fatalities by 60% in Sweden and Norway If…only if…

6 Looking forward… Challenges Opportunities So, … Economic resources
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum Looking forward… Challenges Economic resources Demand for new medical advances and treatments Opportunities Strong institutions New technologies and models for service delivery So, …

7 So, health and social well-being in the BSR in 2030 will be either…
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum So, health and social well-being in the BSR in 2030 will be either…

8 …By 2030… NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum
Most of these cases will happen outside of the BSR; some will happen in BSR. Could have pointed at almost any other risk-factor, disease, or condition: people with high-blood pressure has doubled in Sweden over past decade and will continue to increase.

9 Health and Wealth…and everything in between…
NDPHS Seminar – 7th Annual EUSBSR Forum Health and Wealth…and everything in between… Photo: Shutterstock. NDPHS Report on Economic aspects of health and social well-being:

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