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Minimum wage and excessive salaries

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1 Minimum wage and excessive salaries
Starter – IWB salary guesser Homework – none. Learning Objectives:-  To analyse the existence of the minimum wage and evaluate whether it should exist. To evaluate whether it is religiously or morally right to earn an excessive salary.

2 research Use p74 to take key factfile notes on min. wage and excessive salaries – including definitions and moral questions. Task Sheets Extension – Where can they go on holiday?

3 debate Debate Questions whole class – Is the 45% tax rate moral? Should the rich be taxed more? Should there be a minimum wage? Is the term excessive fair? Can you be a rich Christian?

4 plenary Justify the minimum wage written down, as a Christian, as a Buddhist and you. Same with excessive salaries. Minimum Wage... Good or Bad? Why? Christian, Buddhist. Excessive Salaries...Good or bad? Why? Christian, Buddhist.

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