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Student Code of Conduct Revision AGC - Presentation 3

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1 Student Code of Conduct Revision AGC - Presentation 3
Lina Blair Amy Kudrna

2 Student Code Review Team Members
Amy Kudrna - Chemistry (Co-Chair) Lina Blair - Student Life and Conduct (Co-Chair) Carmen Andert - Mathematics Chris Johnston - AD School of Arts and Sciences Jason Schueller - Enrollment Kimberly DeVries - Equal Opportunity Compliance Pam Miller - AD School of Workforce Development Rebecca Whitman - Campus Police Chief Steve Henkelman - Machining Sue Koons - Nursing Thalia Guerra-Flores - Student Life and Conduct Jimmie Baber - AD School of Workforce Development

3 Schedule of Revision The Student Code of Conduct shall be reviewed every three years under the direction of the Student Conduct Administrator. Revised 7/15/2010 Revised 9/16/2014 Revision scheduled for academic year Benchmarked with Henry Ford CC, Lansing CC, Washtenaw CC and Macomb CC

4 Revision Process Student Code Review Team makes recommendations
AGC reviews, makes recommendations and endorses (with a focus on academically-related pieces) Seeking Approval! Policy Review Team reviews, makes recommendations and approves Cabinet/President reviews, makes recommendations and approves 19 page document - wide footprint, many levels of approval necessary (all bodies review) AGC historically/primarily provides feedback on academic honesty and classroom conduct

5 AGC #2 - Suggestions and Comments
Suggestion that faculty should be required to report academic dishonesty incidents to conduct office. If the student has been reported previously, conduct office should notify instructor of that. Benchmarked with 11 community colleges in Michigan. Policies of note: Lansing CC does not outline classroom penalties or reporting to Conduct Office. Henry Ford CC  Student Code of Conduct does not include academic honesty. Instructor assigns penalty. If failed for course, faculty must notify Registrar. Macomb CC outlines grade penalties and conduct penalties. Reporting at instructor’s discretion. KVCC requires reporting to Conduct Office after third offense in that course.

6 AGC #2 - Suggestions and Comments
Did not find a community college that requires faculty to report academic dishonesty to conduct office. Some large, four-year institutions require faculty to report incidents of academic dishonesty to central conduct office. No change suggested at this time. Can encourage consistency in reporting through training and regular consultation.

7 Current Version and Suggested Edits
Current Copy of Student Code of Conduct: Working Draft - Includes suggested changes from Review Team* and AGC: *Student Code Review Team will continue working through General Conduct and Process edits prior to presenting to Cabinet.

8 Seeking AGC Endorsement
Reminder of Process AGC specifically to provide input on direct academic components (Academic Honesty and Classroom Conduct) Seeking Recommendations and Endorsement Post AGC endorsement, moves to Cabinet for review

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