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Cassio Leandro Barbosa

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1 Cassio Leandro Barbosa
W51 IRS2 Cassio Leandro Barbosa

2 Outline What we know What we don't know
T-ReCS, NIFS PseudoLong Slit Analysis (PLSA)‏ What we don't know NIFS Principal Component Analysis (PCA)‏ Pilot project on PCA of HII regions Questions not allowed for this part!

3 W51 IRS2 introducing

4 W51 IRS2

5 W51 IRS2

6 W51 IRS2

7 W51 IRS2

8 W51 IRS2 introducing the field

9 The W51 IRS2 field

10 Mid Infrared - T-ReCS

11 Near Infrared – NIFS PLS Analysis

12 Near Infrared – NIFS PLS Analysis

13 NIFS: enters the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)‏
With special thanks to Joao Steiner and Tiago Ricci (IAG-USP)‏

14 W51 – the continuum (21035A-21342A) emission (and reflection?)‏

15 Double stars? after a R-L deconvolution

16 Image and spectra “Feature enhanced” Br gamma, blue cont. and red cont.

17 Nebular emission from the lines 2. 2864 um ([Se IV]
Nebular emission from the lines um ([Se IV]? Blum & MacGregor 2008) and um

18 Nebular emission from the lines 2. 2865 ([Se IV]. )um and 2
Nebular emission from the lines ([Se IV]?)um and um

19 The He I A emission

20 The [Fe III] A emission

21 The H A emission

22 The W51-235 fragmented H2 cloud H2 at rest + red and blue wings

23 Field 233

24 W51 - Conclusions Ideal (complicate) lab for massive star formation: all stages of MSF in a such small region. 2 naked O3 (and where are the mid/late O??)‏ 3 UCHII regions 1 (or 3?) MYSO with disk 1 younger MYSO producing a jet(?)‏ Photoionized nebulae (high/medium)‏ Non-fragmented H2 clouds Fragmented H2 clouds More stars to come or ionization front?

25 Let's party

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