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Put phones/headphones away and take off hoods.

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Presentation on theme: "Put phones/headphones away and take off hoods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Put phones/headphones away and take off hoods.
Take out your binders and a pen/pencil. Complete the inference handout. You have 5 minutes.

2 Agenda Objectives: Do now- inference activity
You will be able to…  Interpret an illustration and infer information about it. Make inferences based on evidence and prior knowledge about a reading passage. Do now- inference activity Read passage as a whole group 2 Inference Stations- Character & Plot Recap as a whole group On your own- Setting NY ELA Standard Grade 11: NY ESL Standard Grades 9-12: Apply learning strategies to comprehend, make inferences about, and analyze literature, and to produce literary responses. Such strategies include asking questions, using prior knowledge, graphic organizers, and context cues; planning; note taking; and exploring cognates and root words. (L, S, R, W) Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.


4 11th grade Station groups:
Character – with Mrs. Gentile Bianca Natalie Dariel Prince Brian V. Josh Plot – with Ms. D’Onofrio Jackie Kathleen David Kyle Bryan S.



7 Now, on your own you will complete the Setting chart.
You must hand this in before leaving class.

8 10th grade Station groups:
Character – with Mrs. Gentile Andres Joe Robbie Jason John G. Plot – with Ms. D’Onofrio Daury Jon A. Alex Najia Stephen

9 9th grade Station groups:
Character – with Mrs. Gentile Rudelin Nicole Angelo Hector Jessica Justin Plot – with Ms. D’Onofrio Brian Ashley Alexa Tyler Alex Jordan

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