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Horseback riding By Kayleigh and Alex.

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Presentation on theme: "Horseback riding By Kayleigh and Alex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horseback riding By Kayleigh and Alex

2 Glossary Lower back, seat bones, calves , core , hip bones, - helps keep you sturdy in the saddle and from falling off Quadriceps- help you get in the saddle and grip the horse or you would fall off Flicking the reins means that you slap the reins on the horses neck

3 Bones The bones in your legs The bones in your arms Tibia Fibula
Patella Femur Ulna Radius Humerus

4 Muscles & Joints Joints in arms and legs Muscles in arms and legs
Biceps and Triceps Flexor and Extensor Ball and Socket Gliding Hinge

5 Movement types Kicking the side to make the horse move
Flicking the reins

6 How to get better at this movement
If you want to get better at this movement you should do these few very very simple things Practice it many times Swing rope in the air to get the feeling of flicking the reins Also you should ride that will help you the most

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