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Prompt 9 (Review) Remember:

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1 Prompt 9 (Review) Remember:
There is no comma before the word “because” I went to the store because I needed milk. (no comma!) When you mention the authors name in the sentence, you don’t need a citation According to King, he was in Birmingham because he has “basic organizational ties” in the area. When you embed a quote into a sentence, it needs to be grammatically correct Bad example: King wanted to be in Birmingham because “we were invited here” (King). Who’s we? Where is here? It doesn’t make sense!

2 When introducing a quote, you need a comma
King explained, “I have basic organizational ties” in the area. If you embed a quote, you DO NOT need a comma According to King, he was in Birmingham because he has “basic organizational ties” in the area.

3 Practice / Prompt 9 Use the following quote somehow in a paragraph:
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” (Gandhi).

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