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There is/are v. has/have

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2 There is/are v. has/have
Right: There is an elephant in the tree. Wrong: There has an elephant in the tree. Wrong: Has an elephant in the tree Right: The tree has an elephant in it.

3 Remember…. If the subject is the thing which is in or on something else, we use `there is/are’ There is a dinosaur in the restaurant We can use `have’ only when the subject is something that contains or possesses something else The restaurant has a dinosaur in it

4 Remember also…... You need a or an before a singular countable noun that is subject of a `there is’ sentence There is a boy in the room There is water in the room There are many boys in the room

5 There is/are + more than one noun
When there is/are is used with more than one noun, we use is if the first noun is singular and are if it is plural There is an elephant and three zebras on the roof. There are three elephants and a zebra on the roof.

6 There is/are + noun + present participle (-----ING)
We often use a present participle with a noun subject of a there is/are sentence: There is a hippopotamus drinking at the bar There are three students standing in the rubbish bin

7 How can you describe this picture? (forgetting the signboard!)

8 There’s a monkey in the tree. There’s a monkey hanging from the tree
There’s a monkey in the tree! There’s a monkey hanging from the tree! The tree has a monkey in it!

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