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Presentation on theme: "Adjectives EXPRESSING LIKE AND DISLIKE"— Presentation transcript:

Preposition + verb + ing noun

2 Disgusted by can’t live without
Sick of excited about Look forward to fed up with Bored with fond of Interested in crazy about Impressed by/with tired of

3 Disgusted by …..

4 Can’t live without ….. Crazy about…..

5 Sick of…..

6 Excited about…… Look forward to…..

7 Look forward to …………

8 Fed up with ………

9 Bored with ………..

10 POSSIBLE ANSWERS I am disgusted by nasty/dirty kitchens. I am disgusted by cockroaches. I can’t live without my cell phone/mobile. I cant live without chocolate cake. I’m crazy about my boyfriend. I’m crazy about puppies. I am sick of radish. I am sick of Paulina Rubio. I am sick of eating French fries every day.

11 I am excited about the concert.
I am looking forward to going on Vacation. I am excited about visiting Paris. I look forward to getting married. I do not look forward to having five children. I am looking forward to having my own apartment. I look forward to buying my first car. I am fed up with my drunken cat. I am fed up with my cheating boyfriend. I am fed up with working so many hours every day. I am bored with washing dishes every night. I am bored with my work.

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