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Monday, July 27 Warm-up: 1. Write your name and period on your warm-up sheet 2. Write down one way you can study for the 50 states test! Agenda: Finish.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, July 27 Warm-up: 1. Write your name and period on your warm-up sheet 2. Write down one way you can study for the 50 states test! Agenda: Finish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, July 27 Warm-up: 1. Write your name and period on your warm-up sheet 2. Write down one way you can study for the 50 states test! Agenda: Finish Bio Cubes & turn in notes Finish Academic Vocab

2 Tuesday, July 28 Warm-up: In your own words, define “geography.”
Agenda: Turn in Academic Vocab Five Themes of Geography Notes Map Activity

3 Wednesday, July 29 Warm-up: Give an example for the movement of people, goods, or ideas. Agenda: Notes – Geo Basics Island Introduction Maps Packet Homework: Look over notes, 15 geo terms Reminder: Barro’s Night is TONIGHT!! 

4 Map Activity Hints Page 17: Pacific Ocean Sea of Japan Southern Ocean
Arctic Ocean Bering Sea South China Sea Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Caribbean Sea Mediterranean Sea North Sea Arabian Sea Coral Sea Page 35: A37 IN THE BOOK Pacific Ocean Great Basin Desert Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains Great Lakes Atlantic Ocean Gulf of Mexico Missouri River Rio Grande Mississippi River

5 Thursday, July 30 Warm-up: What are the 5 elements of a map? Agenda:
Island Nation Physical Map Map Packet

6 Friday, July 31 Warm-up: Describe three of the geographic features on your island. Agenda: Island Nation Physical Map Island Nation 5 Themes 3rd Hour: Bio Cubes Wrap Up!

7 Monday, August 3 Warm-up: Give an example for the geography theme of Human/Environment interaction (adapt/modify/depend on). Agenda: Care of C12 Chat Island Physical Map Island 5 Themes (If things are italicized, you do not have to write them in your agenda  )

8 Tuesday, August 4 Warm-up: How would you label a point’s latitude/longitude? (BrainPOP!!) Agenda: Island Physical Map Island 5 Themes Island Political Map WS

9 ISLANDS DUE TODAY!! Block Day!! Periods 1, 3, 5 Wednesday, August 5
Warm-up: Give 3 facts from the video we will watch. Agenda: Island Physical Map Island 5 Themes Island Political Map WS Block Day!! Periods 1, 3, 5 ISLANDS DUE TODAY!!

10 Block Day!! Periods 2, 4, 6 ISLANDS DUE TODAY!!
Thursday, August 6 Warm-up: Write down 3 facts from the videos. Agenda: Island Physical Map Island 5 Themes Island Political Map WS Block Day!! Periods 2, 4, 6 ISLANDS DUE TODAY!!

11 Test: 50 States/Geo Terms
Friday, August 7 Warm-up: Which of the 5 themes of geography do you think have most impacted history? Explain why. Agenda: Turn in warm-up sheets Island Nation Paragraph Map Packet Review Continents/Oceans Brain Pop Test: 50 States/Geo Terms Friday Aug 14!!

12 Test: 50 States/Geo Terms
Monday, August 10 Warm-up: What is the difference between fact and opinion? (BRAINPOP) Agenda: Historical Research Skills Scavenger Hunt Test: 50 States/Geo Terms Friday Aug 14!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

13 Test: 50 States/Geo Terms
Tuesday, August 11 Warm-up: Freebie (no warm-up) Agenda: Bullying Presentation Test: 50 States/Geo Terms Friday Aug 14!!

14 Wednesday 8/12, Thursday 8/13 In the computer labs
Geography Study Guide Geography Games iCivics Branches of Power

15 Test: 50 States/Geo Terms
Friday, August 14 Warm-up: Study for the test! Agenda: Geography Unit Test Test: 50 States/Geo Terms TODAY!!!!! When you finish with the test, please read/do homework quietly!

16 Monday, August 17 Warm-up: What is one thing you learned from the bullying presentation last week that made you think? Agenda: Test Wrap-up (10 minutes) Design Casteel Lunch Menu

17 Tuesday, August 18 Warm-up: CNN Student News: Write down THREE facts from CNN student news (1 per story) Agenda: Finish Lunch Menu Intro to 3 Branches America: The Story of Us

18 Wednesday, August 19 Warm-up: CNN Student News: Write down THREE facts from CNN student news (1 per story) Agenda: Finish Lunch Menu Intro to 3 Branches America: The Story of Us

19 Picture Day Tomorrow!! Thursday, August 20
Warm-up: Finish America: the Story of Us (Get out your movie fill-in sheet!) Agenda: America: The Story of Us Why Government? 3 Branches Intro Worksheet 3 Branches Project Intro Picture Day Tomorrow!!

20 Picture Day TODAY!!! Friday, August 21 Warm-up: Free Day (No Warm-Up!)
Agenda: Picture Day Picture Day TODAY!!!

21 Monday, August 24 Warm-up: Wrap up worksheet Agenda:
3 Branches Seesaw Worksheet Constitution Scavenger Hunt

22 Tuesday, August 25 Warm-up: During the BrainPop, write down: Agenda:
Two Principles of the Constitution: One Definition of a Principle: Agenda: Constitution Scavenger Hunt

23 Wednesday, August 26 Warm-up: Menu Option 3 (Student News!) Agenda:
Constitution Scavenger Hunt Wrap-Up You’ve Got Rights Activity Principles of the Constitution

24 Thursday, August 27 Warm-up: Menu Option 3 (Student News!) Agenda:
Constitution Scavenger Hunt Wrap-Up You’ve Got Rights Activity Principles of the Constitution

25 Friday, August 28 Warm-up: None Agenda:
Bill of Rights Interview (homework!!) Bill of Rights iCivics Game

26 Monday, August 31 Warm-up: What are the five protections granted by the First Amendment? Agenda: Bill of Rights Interview Due Bill of Rights Scenarios Island Bill of Rights

27 Projects Due Today!! Tuesday, September 1
Warm-up: Menu Option #24 – BrainPop! Agenda: Island Bill of Rights Wrap-Up Bill of Rights Sorting Projects Due Today!!

28 Wednesday, September 2 Warm-up: CNN Student News, Agenda:
1st period: turn in Island Bill of Rights All: Project presentations

29 Thursday, September 3 Warm-up: CNN Student News, Agenda:
Project presentations

30 Friday, September 4 Warm-up: Turn in warm-ups Agenda:
Government Study Guide

31 Tuesday, September 8 Warm-up: Turn in warm-ups Agenda: Government Test

32 Wednesday, September 9 Warm-up: Menu Option 10 Agenda:
CNN Student News Civil War Books (Notes) America: The Story of US

33 Thursday, September 10 Warm-up: Menu Option 10 Agenda:
CNN Student News Civil War Books America: the Story of US

34 Friday, September 11 Warm-up: Write down any questions you have about 9/11. Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: Civil War Books – Missouri Compromise Manifest Destiny Activity

35 Monday, September 14 Warm-up: What is Manifest Destiny?
Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: Civil War Books – Missouri Compromise Manifest Destiny Activity

36 Tuesday, September 15 Warm-up: Explain the Missouri Compromise
Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: Civil War Books – Missouri Compromise Race to Freedom

37 Wednesday, September 16 Warm-up: Menu Option 17 (CNN Student News)
Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: Civil War Books Race to Freedom

38 Thursday, September 17 Warm-up: Menu Option 17 (CNN Student News)
Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: Civil War Books Race to Freedom

39 Assembly Schedule Today!!
Friday, September 18 Warm-up: Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: Civil War Books Race to Freedom Assembly Schedule Today!!

40 Monday, September 21 Warm-up: List and define 2 of the themes of geography Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: 2nd/4th hour: Westward Expansion ASOU notes grading Midterm Review Race to Freedom

41 Tuesday, September 22 Warm-up: Study for midterm!!!!!
Learning Goal #6: I can explain the factors that led to the start of the Civil War. Agenda: Midterm Race to Freedom

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