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Lang 1. Lang 2. *Learn which words sound/look similar to Lang 1 and use them to learn Lang 2. *The more that you are exposed to Lang 2 the faster you.

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Presentation on theme: "Lang 1. Lang 2. *Learn which words sound/look similar to Lang 1 and use them to learn Lang 2. *The more that you are exposed to Lang 2 the faster you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lang 1. Lang 2. *Learn which words sound/look similar to Lang 1 and use them to learn Lang 2. *The more that you are exposed to Lang 2 the faster you will pick it up. *Listening to other people in society: on the street, in the classroom, on TV etc. *Language you are exposed to when you are born. *Language spoken at home. *You are engrossed in the language because it is around you all of the time. *Learn through watching and repeating words/phrases. *Start off learning everyday words before moving onto harder words. *Learn the different sounds that letters make. *Associating words with objects to form better meaning.

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