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Winter Kindness Calendar 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Kindness Calendar 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Kindness Calendar 2016
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Make a card for a soldier 2 Pick up litter 3 Make cookies for another advisory 4 Tell silly jokes to make someone laugh 5 Donate food to your local food pantry 6 Let someone go ahead of you in line 7 Candy cane bomb a parking lot 8 Do a chore for someone in your family 9 Give a compliment to a friend 10 Take treats to the fire or police station 11 Leave a happy note for someone to find 12 Smile at everyone you see today 13 Do a secret act of kindness for someone 14 Give yourself a kind compliment while looking in the mirror 15 Sit next to someone new at lunch 16 Share a book 17 Write someone you don’t speak to a short sweet . 18 Send post cards to children at Hasbro Hospital 19 Check in with your friends during a cold day. 20 Write a positive quote on a post it and stick it on someone's locker. 21 Say thank you to someone who made a difference. 22 Send a letter to someone in a nursing home. 23 Write 2-3 things you are grateful for 24 Donate your gently used toys/clothing

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