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Flame Test.

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1 Flame Test

2 How Light is Produced When atoms get hit with energy (by _____________ them with electricity or by ____________ them up), the electrons absorb this energy and __________ to a higher energy level. Figure (a) As they immediately fall back down to the “____________ state”, they give off this energy in the form of a particle of ___________ (or other types of electromagnetic radiation) called a _____________. Figure (b) zapping heating jump ground light photon

3 How Light is Produced Each photon emitted has a specific ___________ (or frequency). The color of the light that is given off depends on how _____ the electron _______ (which depends on how big of a jump it originally made.) The farther the fall, the ___________ energy the photon has. color far fell greater

4 How Light is Produced energy
Since electrons are located only in certain __________ levels (or orbitals) around the nucleus, only certain specific _________ of light are emitted. Scientists use a _________________ to separate these colors into bands of light. These bands of color look like a ______ code of color which is characteristic of that element. No two elements produce the same ______________ of colors. This can be used to distinguish one element from another contained in a sample. (See Fig ) color spectroscope bar spectrum

5 Emission Spectrum Hydrogen Spectrum Neon Spectrum

6 How hydrogen produces the four visible photons

7 All the Photons Produced by Hydrogen

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