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The role of Conscience as a guide in making moral decisions

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Conscience as a guide in making moral decisions"— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Conscience as a guide in making moral decisions
What does the word conscience mean?

2 Electric Chair Someone in this classroom is sitting on an electric chair What would you do Press the button or Not Think using your conscience what is the right thing to do.

3 Big Picture We have been learning about how Christians make moral decisions. Conscience is an inner feeling that makes people think something is right or wrong SKILL:Self managers and reflective learners Exam Spec – 1.3

4 Outcomes All will know what is a conscience
All will work through worksheet on how Christians use Most will answer two exam style questions Few will answer three exam style questions Few will look into a specific ethical issue and decide how people could have made their decisions

5 Work through the textbook and answer the questions using the exam structure

6 Extension - Think Since the Nazi atrocities toward the Jews were discovered at the end of the World War II, people have wondered how so many could have engaged in such obviously unconscionable behaviours. The death camps in which Jews were systematically tortured and killed were efficiently organized and managed by well-trained administrative personnel. These administrators were not extraordinarily vicious savages running amuck. On the contrary, the Germans who ran the death camps seemed to be ordinary "decent" citizens, with consciences no different from those of any of us. How could they have blinded themselves to the clear injustice of what they were doing? Write down why you think people were able to take part in something so morally wring that is the holocaust

7 Review Is Conscience important?
Do you think more important then the Church and Bible? Read the person’s next to you work

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