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Photosynthesis/ Cellular Respiration Overview

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1 Photosynthesis/ Cellular Respiration Overview

2 What is energy? Energy is not created or destroyed, it is transformed, changed. The food energy that you consumed gets converted to a usable form of chemical energy called ATP ATP is the energy currency of organisms. Everything cellular process requires ATP. You can use it up right away or store and save it for later


4 Where did the energy in our food come from?
The cellular process called: Photosynthesis Who? Plants, protists, some bacteria and algae What? Light energy from sun is captured and stored in glucose molecules. When? In the prescence of sunlight Remember the Law of Conservation of ENERGY- plants had to get their carbohydrate energy from somewhere, which is ultimately from the Sun through a process called Photosynthesis. *break up the word for meaningphoto-light, synthesis-putting together Don’t forgeth-plants carry out cellular respiation too!!!


6 Where? All reactions of photosynthesis occur in the chloroplast. Why? This is how these organisms (producers) create their food source How? They have these specialized green pigments called chlorophyll (that are found in the chloroplast) that are able to capture energy from the sun and other light sources.

7 Have TWO membranes A “bi-bilayer!” The inner membrane is called the thylakoid. The thylakoid is folded and looks like stacks of coins called granum (grana singular). The stroma is the space surrounding the granum

8 How exactly does your food get turned into energy?
The cellular process called: Cellular respiration Who? It occurs in All living things What? It’s a process of converting the sugar that you ingested (glucose) and oxygen that you have breathed in and converts it into usable form of energy, (ATP) along with CO2 as a by product, that you breathe out.


10 Where? mitochondria of cells When? This is a continuous process that occurs in your cells (your doing it RIGHT NOW!) Why? Umm…you need energy to do stuff, as in- SURVIVE (cell growth, cell repair, excretion, digestion ect.)


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