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Sustainability by Biotechnology

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability by Biotechnology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability by Biotechnology
Erasmus+ Sustainability by Biotechnology Bacterial Growth Laura Plugov Solange Peley

2 Quick Introduction During the fermentation process the population of Clostridium acetobutylicum is growing. Measurement through retrieving value of optical density.

3 How are bacteria growing?

4 Exponential Growth Describes a specific growth in percentage.
The growth per unit gets bigger.

5 Logistic Growth Starts exponentially, then slows down until it reaches it‘s maximum. Comparable with bacterial growth.

6 Why is Bacterial Growth Logistic?
At first, there are small amounts of bacteria in the solution. The population is growing slowly. (Lag Phase) Bacteria are growing faster and faster resulting in a drastic increase of bacteria population. (Exponential Phase) The bacteria start dying because of no energy or poisonous waste products. The bacteria level is constant. (Stationary Phase) At last, the death rate increases and the bacteria dies. (Dying Phase)

7 Bacterial Growth Overview
Glucose Bacteria Lag-Phase Exponential Phase Stationary Phase Dying Phase

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