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Medicolegal aspects of practice

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1 Medicolegal aspects of practice
Dr. Nikhil Datar. MD.DNB.FCPS.FICOG.LLB.DGO.DHA GYNAECOLOGIST & MEDICO LEGAL CONSULTANT Assistant Honorary: Dr R N Cooper Hospital Consultant Gynaecologist: Nanavati Hospital. Mumbai Director. Datar Nursing Home. Malad Mumbai Medico legal Consultant : Kaylegal (Law firm) Vice president: Association of Medical Consultants Past President: Association of Fellow Gynaecologists

2 Why are we at “gun point?”
Society can not decide whether we are service,industry, buisness, vocation,profession… Society does not recognise anybody else other than a doctor in health care Health infrastructure is least important in country Dr Nikhil D. Datar

3 Society does not have good redressal mechanism as councils are defunct
Excessive thrust on diagnostics and no importance to preventive health care We lack standardization so we can’t prove standards Dr Nikhil D. Datar

4 Most important areas: Death certificate and death related
Emergency care Police procedures & criminal negligence Crosspathy practice MTP Act and PNDT Act Medical council regulations. Dr Nikhil D. Datar

5 Dr Nikhil D. Datar

6 Death Certificate: To Be (given) Or Not To Be (given)!!
Dr Nikhil D. Datar

7 Death certificate Give it… may be sensed as “hush-hush” in the matter
Not give it… sensed as “ended life but harassment unending ” Dr Nikhil D. Datar

8 If he knows the cause of death
A doctor can give DC: If he knows the cause of death And not otherwise Dr Nikhil D. Datar

9 Inform the police: When cause of death is not known
When cause of death is known but…………. Dr Nikhil D. Datar

10 When to inform police Death linked with abortion
Death on operation table or post op 24 hours Death related to medical procedure Dr Nikhil D. Datar

11 When to inform police: Death related to accidents or violence
All deaths related to tubal sterilizations (PM mandatory) When there is allegation of medical mis management (source:J.K.Mason .Edition III) Dr Nikhil D. Datar

12 Section 304 A: Whoever causes the death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide shall be punished with imprisonment for two years , or with fine or with both. Dr Nikhil D. Datar

13 Interaction with the Police
Informing the police Police “Panchnama” Handing over the papers Dr Nikhil D. Datar

14 Arrest of a doctor PM report Opinion of police surgeon
Discretion of the IO Dr Nikhil D. Datar

15 Emergency care Paramanand Katara Parwatkumar Dr Nikhil D. Datar
“Consideration can wait ….” - National commission Dr Nikhil D. Datar

16 Problems: Poor infrastructure Lack of multispeciality
Poor transport services Poor support from public and police Dr Nikhil D. Datar

17 Cross pathy: Dr Nikhil D. Datar

18 MTP Act & PCPNDT Act Dr Nikhil D. Datar

19 Dr Nikhil D. Datar Every right has a corresponding duty.. This is so true …. For doctors … but not for the patients!

20 Dr Nikhil D. Datar Thank You

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