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Growth rate (replacement) and size of the fish stock/pool

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1 Growth rate (replacement) and size of the fish stock/pool
Too Small/Low Stock Size Lower growth rate as fish can’t hook up and reproduce Birth (replacement) less than death/harvest Growth rate declines; species becomes extinct Too Large Stock Size Food sources (plankton, biomass, other fish) too small to support large # of fish Growth rate declines

2 Schaffer model: Relationship between the Fish Population and Growth

3 3 Possible Solutions 1. Open (unregulated) Fisheries (Ec)
Catch until total costs exceed revenues (up to zero profits) => ATC(Q) = TotRev(Q) = P*Q 2. Maximum Sustainable Yield(MSY) (Em) Largest “harvest” that can be sustained every year (harvest = replacement rate) Biologist solution 3. Economically Efficient (Eo) Maximize Economic Value MC(Q) = MR(Q)

4 FIGURE 14.2 Efficient Sustainable Yield for a Fishery

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