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Expansion and Exclusion of US Citizenship

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1 Expansion and Exclusion of US Citizenship
Andrew Jackson Expansion and Exclusion of US Citizenship

2 Early Jacksonian Era (1820s and 30s)
As the country expanded and new states joined the union more Americans gained the right to vote and were eager to participate in democracy suffrage: the right to vote By the 1830’s most eastern states had dropped the requirement that voters own land This enfranchised large groups of people who hadn’t been able to vote before

3 Early Jacksonian Era By 1830 all white men had the right to vote but suffrage was still denied to women, free and enslaved African Americans ,and Native Americans Married women, most African Americans, and Native Americans were also unable to own property or serve on a jury While some Americans did gain new civil rights in this time the majority of americans were still not aloud to vote or take part in government

4 Election of 1824 4 Major Candidates: John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, William Crawford, and Andrew Jackson

5 Election of 1824 All four candidates were members of the Democratic-Republican Party but each had support from different regions of the country

6 Election of 1824 There was no clear winner of the election because none of the candidates won a majority of the electoral votes Because of this The House of Representatives voted to choose the winner Adams won the vote but it was suspected that he had made a deal with losing candidate Clay and traded an appointment for the votes in the house

7 New Political Parties The Whig party was founded by Henry Clay and wanted the federal government to take an active role in the economy This meant starting a national bank, building new roads and rails, and raising tariffs The Whigs wanted to strengthen American businesses through banking and tariffs

8 New Political Parties Andrew Jackson and his supporters formed their own party called the Democratic Party The Democrats called for more political power for the ordinary american man and opposed privileges for the wealthy They did not support more political power for women and people of color though Democrats opposed high tariffs and supported further expansion west Most Democrats lived in the South and in the new western states and territories

9 Election of 1828 In 1828 Andrew Jackson ran for president again against the incumbent John Quincy Adams Adams attacked him, calling him a “Military chieftain” comparing him to French dictator, Napoleon Jackson easily won the election largely due to votes from the “common men” who had just recently been given the right to vote Jackson became the first westerner in the White House

10 Jackson’s Legacy The “common man” (white men) became more active in politics and voted in higher rates than they did prior to Jackson Jackson developed the Spoils System, this meant he often gave government jobs to his friends and supporters When he took office he fired and replaced more gov employees than any previous president

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