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Japanese-American Internment

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese-American Internment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese-American Internment

2 Executive Order 9066 In 1942, 120,000 Japanese-American families receive a letter from FDR, the President of the United States They were to be relocated from their homes on the west coast to camps in the interior of the U.S. See map on next slide

3 What is the concern? Why do you think the camps are located where they are?

4 Time to Pack They could only take a few belongings
Forced to sell most possession Received about 5¢ on the $1 Property they stored was stolen, vandalized, or sold by others Estimate of loss $500 million

5 Evacuation Day What do you notice?


7 Destination: Manzanar, CA
How would you describe the environment? Climate Manzanar is located in the Owens Valley at 4,000' elevation, at the eastern base of the Sierra Nevada. We get little precipitation but we do have four distinct seasons. Summer temperatures can soar over 100 degrees. Winter highs are usually in the 40's. Nighttime temperatures year round are 30 to 40 degrees less than daytime highs. High winds are common in any season.

8 Their New Home:

9 Inside the New House

10 Guard Watch Tower

11 What Prompted the Internment?
Fear of the Japanese race They were the enemy, even if they were Americans Military believed Japanese would always be loyal to the Emperor of Japan Commit sabotage Businesses believed they would profit more without competition from Japanese-American business owners

12 Why did FDR approve it? He thought he was acting for the good of all Americans Civil rights of a small number were sacrificed for the common good (majority)

13 Did FDR make the right decision? Why or why not?

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