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East Sussex County Council (ESCC) Special Educational Needs Matrix

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1 East Sussex County Council (ESCC) Special Educational Needs Matrix

2 SEN Matrix Guidance Slides
What is the SEN Matrix? Why do we need a Matrix? What is the Parliamentary legislation behind the Matrix? Matrix content and layout How can schools, parents/carers use the Matrix to support learners? Where can you find the Matrix? How should ISEND services use the Matrix?

3 What is the Matrix and why do we need it?
The Matrix provides a shared understand of a learner’s Special Educational Needs and associated provision The Matrix supports the development of inclusive practice in schools and shows what universal SEND provision looks like across all mainstream schools The Matrix ensures a consistent threshold of good inclusive practice across all schools in the Local Authority The Matrix ensures consistent decision-making around SEN assessment and provision.

4 Parliamentary legislation behind the Matrix
Schools must use best endeavours to ensure provision is made for learners with SENwho need it, Code of Practice (CoP) 1.24. Local Authorities may develop criteria as guidelines to help them decide when it is necessary to carry out a needs assessment (and following assessment whether it is necessary to issue an EHCP) CoP 9.16

5 SEN Matrix content 1. User Guide 2. Communication and Interaction 3. Cognition and Learning 4. Hearing Impairment 5. Visual Impairment 6. Multisensory Impairment 7. Physical Difficulties 8. Social, Emotional and Mental Health 9. Early Years Matrices

6 Section 1. User guide A simple guide to the purpose and layout of
the Matrix Guidance on SEN funding in East Sussex associated with levels of need Recommended costings for SEN provision

7 The Needs Section Description of need: provides an
overview on the SEN areas of need as identified in the SEND code of Practice 2015 Levels of need: show how a child has needs at different levels of complexity, on the continuum from SEN support to targeted and then enhanced. Each level of need builds on the previous one. Assessment of need: will involve parents/carers/learners and professionals

8 Provision Section The Provision section sets out the range of
SEN provision that can be found in East Sussex schools, settings and colleges The provision assumes that children have access to good quality classroom teaching and a universal intervention offer designed to close gaps This is not an exhaustive list. Schools will have different models of SEN support Parents/carers/learners and professionals will be involved in discussions about the kind of provision that will meet outcomes.

9 How can schools use the Matrix to support inclusive practice and provision for children with SEN?
The Matrix sets out: provision that will be appropriate to support a child with needs at different levels of complexity Strategies that classroom teachers will use to ensure access to the curriculum for children with SEN Information that can be used for staff CPD

10 Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle
Schools will record a child’s special educational needs and provision. East Sussex County Council recommends they use an Additional Needs Plan to do so: Progress of all learners will be carefully monitored using Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle Parents/Carers and the pupil will be fully involved It is expected that effective provision will reduce the level of support needed.

11 What happens if a child doesn’t make progress?
When a child continues to experience barriers to accessing their learning, despite good quality, personalised planning and teaching, and relevant and purposeful SEN support from ISEND services and external agencies, the school should consider if they need to apply for a Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) This will include thorough evidence of the support already in place and its impact Parents/Carers and the pupil will be fully involved.

12 How should ISEND Services use the Matrix?
ISEND services have been designed to maintain education placements through supporting schools to overcome barriers to learning ISEND service staff should familiarise themselves with the content and messages of the Matrix When working with schools and settings, ISEND services should promote the Matrix as a valuable resource for CPD and for identifying and meeting the needs of individual pupils.

13 Next Steps A digital Matrix has been developed to accompany the revised version A SENCo online network was piloted in Terms 5 and 6 and will roll out to all East Sussex SENCos in Autumn 2018 Strategies and Resources section of the Matrix will be kept live and interactive by East Sussex SENCos using this forum to facilitate sharing of good practice.

14 The Matrix can be found here:

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