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Presentation on theme: "Statics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statics

2 Identifying Static Situations
Objects that do not move linearly (translational motion) or rotate (rotational motion) are static

3 Equations

4 Example 40º A box of mass 10 kg is placed 2 m from the left end of a 7 m long horizontal beam. The beam has a mass of 20 kg and is supported by a cable that makes a 40º angle to the beam. What is the tension in the cable?

5 Fy F T 40º Fx 98 N 196 N

6 Ladder R Ff Mg FN mg Ff

7 Ladder Problem A 20 m ladder (mass of 15 kg) is leaning against a frictionless wall and makes a 60 degree angle to the horizontal. What is the minimum coefficient of friction needed between the floor and the ladder to keep the ladder from slipping?

8 R FN mg Ff

9 R θ 90-θ mg θ B



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