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EE 5340 Semiconductor Device Theory Lecture 7 - Fall 2003

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1 EE 5340 Semiconductor Device Theory Lecture 7 - Fall 2003
Professor Ronald L. Carter L 07 Sept 16

2 Fermi Energy The equilibrium carrier concentration ahd the Fermi energy are related as The potential f = (Ef-Efi)/q If not in equilibrium, a quasi-Fermi level (imref) is used L 07 Sept 16

3 Electron quasi-Fermi Energy (n = no + n)
L 07 Sept 16

4 Hole quasi-Fermi Energy (p = po + p)
L 07 Sept 16

5 Ex-field when Ef - Efi not constant
Since f = (Ef - Efi)/q = Vt ln(no/ni) When Ef - Efi = is position dependent, Ex = -df/dx = -[d(Ef-Efi)/dx] = - Vt d[ln(no/ni)]/dx If non-equilibrium fn = (Efn-Efi)/q = Vt ln(n/ni), etc Exn = -[dfn/dx] = -Vt d[ln(n/ni)]/dx L 07 Sept 16

6 Si and Al and model (approx. to scale)
metal n-type s/c p-type s/c Eo Eo Eo qcsi~ 4.05 eV qcsi~ 4.05 eV qfm,Al ~ 4.1 eV qfs,n qfs,p Ec Ec EFm EFn EFi EFi EFp Ev Ev L 07 Sept 16

7 Equilibrium Boundary Conditions w/ contact
No discontinuity in the free level, Eo at the metal/semiconductor interface. EF,metal = EF,semiconductor to bring the electron populations in the metal and semiconductor to thermal equilibrium. Eo - EC = qcsemiconductor in all of the s/c. Eo - EF,metal = qfmetal throughout metal. L 07 Sept 16

8 Ideal metal to n-type barrier diode (fm>fs,Va=0)
n-type s/c No disc in Eo Ex=0 in metal ==> Eoflat fBn=fm- cs = elec mtl to s/c barr fi=fBn-fn= fm-fs elect s/c to mtl barr Eo qfm qcs qfi qfBn qfs,n Ec EFm EFn EFi Depl reg Ev qf’n L 07 Sept 16

9 Metal to n-type non-rect cont (fm<fs)
n-type s/c No disc in Eo Ex=0 in metal ==> Eo flat fB,n=fm - cs = elec mtl to s/c barr fi= fBn-fn< 0 Accumulation region Eo qcs qfm qfs,n qfi qfB,n Ec EFm EFn EFi Ev qfn Acc reg L 07 Sept 16

10 Ideal metal to p-type barrier diode (fm<fs)
p-type s/c metal No disc in Eo Ex=0 in metal ==> Eoflat fBn= fm- cs = elec mtl to s/c barr fBp= fm- cs + Eg = hole m to s fi = fBp-fs,p = hole s/c to mtl barr Eo qfm qcs qfi qfs,p qfBn Ec EFi EFm EFp qfBp Ev qfi qfp<0 Depl reg L 07 Sept 16

11 Metal to p-type non-rect cont (fm>fs)
n-type s/c No disc in Eo Ex=0 in metal ==> Eo flat fB,n=fm- fs,n = elec mtl to s/c barr fBp= fm- cs + Eg = hole m to s Accumulation region Eo qcs qfm q(fi) qfs,n qfBn Ec EFm EFi EfP qfp qfBp qfi Ev Accum reg L 07 Sept 16

12 Metal/semiconductor system types
n-type semiconductor Schottky diode - blocking for fm > fs contact - conducting for fm < fs p-type semiconductor contact - conducting for fm > fs Schottky diode - blocking for fm < fs L 07 Sept 16

13 Real Schottky band structure1
Barrier transistion region, d Interface states above fo acc, p neutrl below fo dnr, n neutrl Ditd -> oo, qfBn = Eg- fo Fermi level “pinned” Ditd -> 0, qfBn = fm - c Goes to “ideal” case L 07 Sept 16

14 Fig 8.41 (a) Image charge and electric field at a metal-dielectric interface (b) Distortion of potential barrier at E=0 and (c) E0 L 07 Sept 16

15 Poisson’s Equation The electric field at (x,y,z) is related to the charge density r=q(Nd-Na-p-n) by the Poisson Equation: L 07 Sept 16

16 Poisson’s Equation n = no + dn, and p = po + dp, in non-equil
For n-type material, N = (Nd - Na) > 0, no = N, and (Nd-Na+p-n)=-dn +dp +ni2/N For p-type material, N = (Nd - Na) < 0, po = -N, and (Nd-Na+p-n) = dp-dn-ni2/N So neglecting ni2/N L 07 Sept 16

17 Ideal metal to n-type barrier diode (fm>fs,Va=0)
n-type s/c No disc in Eo Ex=0 in metal ==> Eoflat fBn=fm- cs = elec mtl to s/c barr fbi=fBn-fn= fm-fs elect s/c to mtl barr 0 xn xnc Eo qfm qcs qfbi qfBn qfs,n Ec EFm EFn EFi Depl reg Ev qf’n L 07 Sept 16

18 Depletion Approximation
For 0 < x < xn, assume n << no = Nd, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = qNd For xn < x < xnc, assume n = no = Nd, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = 0 For x = 0-, there is a pulse of charge balancing the qNdxn in 0 < x < xn L 07 Sept 16

19 Ideal n-type Schottky depletion width (Va=0)
r Ex xn qNd x Q’d = qNdxn x xn -Em d (Sheet of negative charge on metal)= -Q’d L 07 Sept 16

20 n x xn Nd Debye length The DA assumes n changes from Nd to 0 discontinuously at xn. In the region of xn, Poisson’s eq is E = r/e --> dEx/dx = q(Nd - n), and since Ex = -df/dx, we have -d2f/dx2 = q(Nd - n)/e to be solved L 07 Sept 16

21 Debye length (cont) Since the level EFi is a reference for equil, we set f = Vt ln(n/ni) In the region of xn, n = ni exp(f/Vt), so d2f/dx2 = -q(Nd - ni ef/Vt), let f = fo + f’, where fo = Vt ln(Nd/ni) so Nd - ni ef/Vt = Nd[1 - ef/Vt-fo/Vt], for f - fo = f’ << fo, the DE becomes d2f’/dx2 = (q2Nd/ekT)f’, f’ << fo L 07 Sept 16

22 Debye length (cont) So f’ = f’(xn) exp[+(x-xn)/LD]+con. and n = Nd ef’/Vt, x ~ xn, where LD is the “Debye length” L 07 Sept 16

23 Debye length (cont) LD estimates the transition length of a step-junction DR. Thus, For Va = 0, i ~ 1V, Vt ~ 25 mV d < 11%  DA assumption OK L 07 Sept 16

24 Effect of V  0 Define an external voltage source, Va, with the +term at the metal contact and the -term at the n-type contact For Va > 0, the Va induced field tends to oppose Ex caused by the DR For Va < 0, the Va induced field tends to aid Ex due to DR Will consider Va < 0 now L 07 Sept 16

25 Effect of V  0 L 07 Sept 16

26 Ideal metal to n-type Schottky (Va > 0)
qVa = Efn - Efm Barrier for electrons from sc to m reduced to q(fbi-Va) qfBn the same DR decr Eo qcs qfm q(fi-Va) qfs,n qfBn Ec EFm EFn EFi Ev Depl reg qf’n L 07 Sept 16

27 Test 1 - 25Sept03 8 AM Room 206 Activities Building
Open book - 1 legal text or ref. Only Calculator allowed A cover sheet will be included with full instructions. See for examples from Fall 2002. L 07 Sept 16

28 References 1 Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 2nd ed., by Neamen, Irwin, Boston, 1997. L 07 Sept 16

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