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The Metis What does it mean to be Metis?.

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Presentation on theme: "The Metis What does it mean to be Metis?."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Metis What does it mean to be Metis?

2 Citizenship and Identity
The Metis were the result of contact between First Nations and Europeans The largest community was found in Red River, Manitoba They considered themselves citizens of a Metis nations, distinct from the Europeans, Canadians, and First Nations

3 An Emerging Identity in the West
The Francophone Metis of Red River (where Winnipeg is located today) had a unique culture and identity The Metis were raised by parents of both First Nations and European descent, they often knew several language, including French, English, and one or more First Nations langauges

4 Shared Economy The Metis has a unique economy
They made a living based on climate of their territory and on the resources found in it They took jobs in fur trade and hunted buffalo They also grew crops on narrow river lots They were very important to the fur trade and people depended on them as interpreters They rowed large York Boats that replaced the canoe

5 The Buffalo Hunt The Metis from Red River were expert buffalo hunters
The hunt became the focus of their way of life The Metis invented a unique form of transportation called the Red River Cart

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