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More JavaScript.

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1 More JavaScript

2 Objective Hierarchy of Objects document.bgColor document.fgColor
document.linkColor document.vlinkColor window.close() window.location confirm() window.moveBy()

3 Hierarchy of Objects Objects follow a strict hierarchy where the window object is the very top level. Such as: window.alert() Because window is the top level object it can be omitted. alert(); The second level of object is window.document such as: document.write(), document.bgcolor, etc..

4 Cont.. document Window alert() Prompt() Confirm() . bgColor, fgColor,
linkColor vlinkColor

5 document.bgColor and document.fgColor
document.bgColor is for changing the background color of page document.fgColor is for changing the font color of page Example <html><head>< title> background and font color</title></head> <body><p> This can be annoying... <script type=“text/javascript language="javascript"> document.bgColor=“red”; document.fgColor=“blue”; </script> </p> </body> </html>

6 document.linkColor and document.vlinkColor
document.linkColor is for changing the color of unvisited hyper links document.vlinkColor is for changing the color of visited links Example <html><head><title> link color</title></head> <body><p> This can be annoying... <script type=“text/javascript language="javascript"> document.linkColor=“red”; document.vlinkColor=“blue”; </script> </p></body></html>

7 and window.close() is for opening anew window window.close() is for closing a window example <html><head><title> open and close window</title></head> <body><p> <script type=“text/javascript language="javascript">“ window.close(); </script> </p></body></html>

8 window.location window.location is for changing the location of a window example html><head></head> <body> <p> Look at the location on top! <script language="javascript"> newpage=prompt("Enter a URL“,"  window.location=newpage; </script> </center> </body> </html>

9 Confirm() Confirm() is a method that produce dialog boxes when called
It is used to get user confirmation from a dialog box containing an OK button that returns true to the script and a cancel button that returns false to the script

10 Cont.. ask= confirm(“do you want to open a new window?”); If (ask){; } Else{ Alert(“you chose to not open a new window”);

11 window.moveBy() window.moveBy() is for moving a window either horizontally, vertically, or both, by the specified amount in pixels <html> <head> </head> <body> <p> Did the page just move? <script language="javascript"> answer = confirm("Are you ready?"); if (answer) { window.moveBy(100,100); } </script> </p> </body> </html>

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