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Polynomial Review / Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Polynomials

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1 Polynomial Review / Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Polynomials

2 Polynomials A monomial is an expression that consists of a numeral, a variable, or the product of a numeral and one or more variables. A number can also be called a constant. A sum of monomials is called a polynomial. A polynomial that has 2 terms is called a binomial. A polynomial that has 3 terms is called a trinomial.

3 Polynomials Recap : one term ----monomial two terms ---binomial
three terms –trinomial more than 3 ---polynomial Okay …time for “Name the ‘nomial”…..

4 Coefficients The number preceding or in front of a variable is called the coefficient. In the monomial , the numeral -3 is the coefficient. Name the coefficient…

5 Putting polynomials in descending powers of the variable.
When writing answers you should always put the terms in descending (greatest to smallest) order. This is called Standard Form. For example: Should be written as:

6 Like Terms Which terms are like? 3a2b, 4ab2, 3ab, -5ab2
Like Terms refers to monomials that have the same variable(s) raised to the same power, but may have different coefficients. Which terms are like? a2b, 4ab2, 3ab, -5ab2 4ab2 and -5ab2 are like. Even though the others have the same variables, the exponents are not the same. 3a2b = 3aab, which is different from 4ab2 = 4abb.

7 Constants are like terms.
Which terms are like? x, -3, 5b, 0 -3 and 0 are like. Which terms are like? x, 2x2, 4, x 3x and x are like. Which terms are like? wx, w, 3x, 4xw 2wx and 4xw are like.

8 Adding Polynomials (x2 + 3x + 1) + (4x2 +5)
Add: (x2 + 3x + 1) + (4x2 +5) Step 1: Identify like terms: (x2 + 3x + 1) + (4x2 +5) Notice: ‘3x’ doesn’t have a like term. Step 2: Add the coefficients of like terms, do not change the powers of the variables. Make sure you write the answer in descending powers. (x2 + 4x2) + 3x + (1 + 5) 5x2 + 3x + 6

9 Adding Polynomials

10 Subtracting Polynomials
Subtract: (3x2 + 2x + 7) - (x2 + x + 4) Step 1: Write the first polynomial exactly the way it is written. Then rewrite the second polynomial by distributing the negative sign through the entire polynomial. 3x2 + 2x x2 - x - 4 Step 2: Combine like terms 2x x + 3

11 Subtracting Polynomials
Remember to rewrite the polynomials!!!!!!

12 Multiplying Polynomials
Monomial x Polynomial (Distribute) 5𝑥( 3𝑥 4 +3x−1) Binomial x Binomial (Foil) (2𝑥+1)( 3𝑥 2 +2) Polynomial x Polynomial (Distribute or use “the box”) ( 2𝑥 2 −5x−4)( 𝑥 2 +x−2)

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