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Asteroid Interception (NEO):

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Presentation on theme: "Asteroid Interception (NEO):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asteroid Interception (NEO):
WHAT YOUR GROUP NEEDS TO HAVE FINISHED (DUE WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1): Powerpoint, Prezi, or Poster displaying: Definition of N.E.O.’s (check sheet for details) Define 3 types of N.E.O.’s (check sheet for details) Written scenario (check sheet for details)

2 4. Write an emergency response plan (check sheet for details)
5. Write about the closest large bodies to Earth, and which are projected to come close to us in the future (use, and type in Near Earth Object). Profile at least 3

3 6. Pick at minimum 2 facts from either Astronomy, Seasons, Moon Phases, or Tides, and mention how Asteroid Intercept Device will A) Make use of the fact in some way B) Improve any negative effects of the fact

4 7. Include a written description of your Asteroid Intercept device, explaining how it works, and showing measurements and mass.

5 Live Video or Cartoon (Animoto or NEATLY hand drawn in color): Presenting a “newscast” or “podcast” explaining your Emergency Response Plan Scripted, and should be max of 3 minutes, min of 1.5 minutes.

6 STRUCTURES 3-D model or 2-D neatly drawn picture of your created Asteroid Intercept / Research Device (including measurements)

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