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Annual Investment Review

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Investment Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Investment Review
Project X Annual Investment Review Partner: Xxx Project vision/goal: Period: xx. xxx 201x to xx. xxx 201x Investment: Total budget – xxx DKK IFD’s investment – xxx DKK

2 Projekt X Is the project still relevant? Progress of the project
Agenda Is the project still relevant? Progress of the project Value creation in the project Suggestions to adjustment of the project plan Discussion and wrap-up

3 Is the project still relevant?
Project X Is the project still relevant? Vision of the project: (What do we want to achieve?) State of the art / Value Proposition: (Which needs are satisfied?) Competitors: (Who/what are we competing against?)

4 Progress of the project
Project X Progress of the project Status on the progress of the project (How far are we in relation to the original plan?) Critical milestones: (What critical challenges and actions do we face in the coming period?) Spending seen in relation to progress (Budget overview - burn rate totally and per partner, and Gantt-chart)

5 Value creation in the project
Project X Value creation in the project Reaching the full potential of the project: (Possibilities and potential for value creation in the project) Next step – value creation: (Actions)

6 Suggestions to adjustment of the project plan
Project X Suggestions to adjustment of the project plan Updating the project plan: (Discussion of a new plan for the project)

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