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Quasi experiments and small n designs

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Presentation on theme: "Quasi experiments and small n designs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quasi experiments and small n designs

2 What is a quasi-experiment?
No random assignment to groups BUT there is some “treatment” Vs. field experiment What is a quasi-experiment?

3 Examples of quasi-experiments
Participant variables Things you can’t manipulate or control Things you may need to know quickly Examples of quasi-experiments

4 Effects on internal/external validity

5 Threats to internal validity
History Maturation Testing Instrumentation Regression to the mean Selection Mortality Spontaneous remission Placebo effects Threats to internal validity

6 Using government definition of unemployed and it changes
Testing diet program and people keep dropping out Some participants sign up for helping study in the morning, and others at night People in a diet program lose weight not because of the program per se but because they are monitoring their intake more Which are these?

7 One group pre-test post-test
Threats to internal validity? Ways to address? One group pre-test post-test

8 Nonequivalent control group design
Threats to internal validity? Ways to address? Matching Nonequivalent control group design

9 Interrupted time series design
Threats to internal validity? Ways to address? Control series design Interrupted time series design

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