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Python 4 and 5 Mr. Husch.

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Presentation on theme: "Python 4 and 5 Mr. Husch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Python 4 and 5 Mr. Husch

2 Objective Create code using strings Deduce how to code strings
Create a syntax error log

3 %R, %S, %D What’s the difference?
%R= Raw Data, it will print in the format it is written in. %S = String Data, Mainly used for alpha characters. %D = Integer Data, Mainly used for numeric characters.

4 Type in this program Lastname_4test

5 Questions about the code
What are the variables in the code? What are the strings?

6 Start of lesson 5 Open a google drive document for you to keep track of your syntax errors. When you get a syntax error put in the drive what it said the error was and what you did to correct it.

7 Create this program, call it lastname5 DO NOT TURN IN YET

8 How to add comments To add a comment you use the # symbol.

9 Additions to the code, then turn it in.
Place a comment line explaining what each section of code does. What does the “.” * 10 do? Answer with a comment in the code What does the comma after end6 do? Answer with a comment in the code. What happens when you remove the comma after end6? Answer with a comment in the code. Log any mistakes you made, review them, and do not repeat them in your next code. Use your google drive.

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