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Civil Remedies.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Remedies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Remedies

2 Learning Intention: Civil Remedies
Success Criteria: Understand the purposes of civil remedies Describe damages and injunctions and their specific purposes Discuss the ability of remedies to achieve their purpose. Learning Intention: Civil Remedies

3 Remedies Desired outcome in a trial
General purpose is to restore the plaintiff to the position they were in before the wrong occurred Main types of remedies Damages Injunctions Damages: sum of money granted to the plaintiff to be paid by the defendant Injunction: court order directing someone to stop doing something or to do something


5 Can be either restrictive/prohibitive (ordering a person to stop or refrain from doing something) or mandatory (ordering a person to do a particular act) Can be either temporary (interlocutory) or perpetual (permanent) Injunctions


7 Task In your book, define each of the following: Compensation
Compensatory Specific General damages Exemplary Nominal Contemptuous Injunctions Orders of specific purpose Restitution Recission Supreme Court – List of Civil Cases

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