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Indus P E R olitical conomy eligion

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1 Indus P E R olitical conomy eligion
–  ___________- is a major Hindu god Worshipped _________ Identically planned cities and construction suggests: _____________________________. •    Traded long distances Artifacts found show that ___________ and Indus traded for about _______ years Copyright © Clara Kim All rights reserved.

2 S I G A chievements ocial ntellectual eography
•    Sophisticated city planning – very detailed and organized •    Solved the problem of ______________ •     Civilization was generally stable Wall of Mountains- separated India from the rest of Asia _______ Kush ___________ Karakoram This created an ___________ ___-_____________ Monsoons – trade winds that brought rain in the summer and dry wind in the winter Major Rivers- •     Same kinds of _____________ suggests little _________ _______________ Toys were found for children – this shows prosperity since they can make things they do not _____________ to survive –  Karakoram •    Built extensive plumbing systems – Used a _____________ system ________________ – a fortified area surrounded by a wall that protected the major buildings in the city –  Private ­­­­­­­__________and ____________ for every house –  Toilets made of _________ WITH ___________ seats Pipes connected underground sewer system

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