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Party Organizations Ch. 16.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Party Organizations Ch. 16.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Party Organizations Ch. 16.2

2 Membership and Organization
I. Membership and Organization A. Party Membership 1. Local Party Organization a. precinct - voting district i. precinct captain: -organizes political leaflets & message ii. Ward – adjoining districts iii. Party county chairperson ex.) (D) Dave Betrus  2. State Party Organization a. state central committee i. party state chairperson

3 Membership and Organization
3. National Party Organization a. national convention (i.e. Cleveland, OH this year) i. chooses parties Presidential candidate b. national committee i. party national chairperson -(D) Debbie Wasserman Shultz  II. Party Functions A. Recruiting Candidates  (not recruited) B. Educating the Public C. Operating the government D. Dispensing Patronage  E. Serves as Watchdog

4 In-Class Assignment Begin to formulate which party affiliation you belong to, or, if you would be an independent. Construct a one page hand written paper detailing the various issues you know of in the upcoming Presidential election, your beliefs on these issues, and how that may influence your choice on the next President of the United States.

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