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Lessons 4-5 4 in a row answers.

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1 Lessons 4-5 4 in a row answers

2 1.1. Dedi=I gave datus sum=I was given
Dedisti=you gave datus es=you were given Dedit=he gave datus est=he was given Dedimus=we gave data est=she was given Dedistis=y’all gave dati(ae or a) sumus= Dederunt=they gave we were given dati estis=you were given dati sunt=they were given

3 1.2. The 10 men, visiting Greece, had heard and seen many laws.

4 1.3. Homo Homines Hominis Hominum, Homini Hominibus hominem homine

5 1.4. A library is a repository of knowledge for a society; therefore, it should contain all information a society deems as important. A library should never be destroyed or suffer budget cut-backs because you are destroying the future for the people.

6 2.1. Romulus, standing on the Campus Martius, was killed by the senators and soldiers.

7 2.2. Romulus-rapio Numa=sacra Tullus Hostilius=hostis

8 2.3. Sciveram=I had known scitus eram=I had been known Sciveras=you had known scitus eras=you had been known Sciverat=he had known scitus erat=he had been known Sciveramus=we had known sciti eramus=we had been known Sciveratis=you had known scitae eratis=you had been Sciverant=they had known scita erant=they had been known NB=us,a,um for singular I,ae,a, for plural

9 2.4. If Rome will have been occupied by Hannibal, war will be lost by the Romans.

10 3.1. Caesar Augustus had entrusted to Apollo a library on the Palatine.

11 3.2. Active voice Servavero=I will have saved
Servaveris=you will have saved Servaverit=he will have saved Servaverimus=we will have saved Servaveritis=you will have saved Seervaverint=they will have saved

12 3.2 continued Passive voice Servatus ero=I will have been saved
Servatus eris=you will have been saved Servatus erit=he will have been saved Servati erimus=we will have been saved Servati eritis=you will have been saved Servati erunt=they will have been saved Us=he a=she um=it i=masc. Ae=fem. A=n.

13 3.3. The enemy, about to lose the war, entrusted money to their friends.

14 3.4. We will know all written parts of the condition of peace.

15 4.1. Lex Leges Legis Legum Legi Legibus Legem Lege Lex, leges

16 4.2. Amicus Amici Amicorum Amico Amicis Amicum Amicos Amice, Amici,

17 4.3. The children, standing in the Forum, saw the written laws.

18 4.4.=active voice Tense Latin English Present Mandat He entrusts
Imperfect Mandabat He was entrusting Future Mandabit He will entrust Perfect Mandavit He entrusted Pluperfect Mandaverat He had entrusted Future perfect mandaverit He will have entrusted

19 4.4=passive voice Tense Latin English present mandatur He is entrusted
Imperfect Mandabatur He was being entrusted Future Mandabitur He will be entrusted Perfect Mandatus est He was entrusted Pluperfect Mandatus erat He had been entrusted Future perfect Mandatus erit He will have been entrusted

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