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The Thirteen Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "The Thirteen Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Thirteen Colonies

2 British Colonies

3 New England Colonies

4 Middle Colonies

5 Southern Colonies

6 Perspective- how did they see it?
Slave vs. Indentured Servant |

7 Enlightenment (1700’s):




11 The Great Awakening (1740’s)-
Jonathon Edwards George Whitfield

12 Knowledge Is Power The Enlightenment (1700’s)- Mostly Europe, people thinking with reason and questioning Monarchies (Kings and Queens) + The Great Awakening (1740’s)- Colonies begin to practice religious tolerance aka okay with different ways of finding God. =

13 Which Country controls the 13 Colonies (1754)?
What happened from ? How? What was the cost?


15 Problems with England Taxation without Representation
What is an example of this? Stamp Act The Closing of Harbors This is meant to isolate the colonies Instead, they band together and unite against England.

16 Magna Carta: Signed by King John in 1215, limited the power of the English monarchy.
This protected the right of people to own private property and guaranteed the right to trial by jury.

17 English Bill of Rights: Signed by King William and Queen Mary in 1688
English Bill of Rights: Signed by King William and Queen Mary in A written list of freedoms that the government promised to protect. Required Parliament to meet regularly Could not raise taxes or build an army without Parliaments consent.

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