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Cooperation between ICRC and National Societies (and their Federation)

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperation between ICRC and National Societies (and their Federation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperation between ICRC and National Societies (and their Federation)
in Southeast Asia «Engaging ICRC – mechanisms and issues» Alain Aeschlimann Head of Operations East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, ICRC 1

2 “Engaging ICRC” Current bilateral engagement with National Societies in Southeast Asia: Type of collaboration depending on mandates, context, vulnerabilities of affected communities and capacities of partners Examples for operational cooperation: RFL program for migrants in detention in Malaysia PRC/ICRC response to Bopha (a natural disaster in a conflict area) MRCS/ICRC response to Rakhine crisis Examples for strategic cooperation Dissemination of IHL to the armed forces Capacity building and financial support to NS on IHL, RFL, EHL, watsan, first aid, WEC, dissemination/communication programmes Main message is: we are already “engaged” Make reference to the title chosen for the session “engaging ICRC – mechanism and issues” Invite them to share their cooperation experience 2

3 “Engaging ICRC” Current multilateral engagement with National Societies in Southeast Asia: Participation and contribution to NS/Fed. efforts to develop a regional migration strategy; Active leadership to further the RFL strat. in SEA (e.g. organisation of RFL in disasters workshop in 2012, planned RFL in migration workshop in 2013); Planned workshop with NS to provide input to the draft guide to prepare NS to armed conflict and other situations of violence (2013) Sometimes: invitation of ICRC to the regional disaster management committee (RDMC) meetings Refers to existing regional engagement 3

4 “Engaging ICRC” In the past regular technical level participation, as well as financial contribution to the SEA RCRC leaders meeting ICRC ready to further its institutional commitment upon invitation to a regular regional high-level dialogue on issues of common concern (SEA leaders meeting) How to make this a fruitful dialogue? Platform to share operational and strategic updates Joint identification of issues of common operational and strategic concern: 1) Identify issues of common regional concern 2) Prioritise topics by relevance, capacities, interest 3) Agree on a working mechanism to address specific issues Focus on regional issues/concerns, not bilateral relations or contexts Focus on the our expectations for this particular meeting consider it a NS meeting to which we are invited 4

5 Selected common external challenges for the Movement in Southeast Asia
Weakening of the Red Pillar Difficulty of acceptance of the Movement’s approach based on the Fundamental Principles Misinterpretation of the auxiliary role of national societies by states (“NS as humanitarian arm of the government”) Deployment of NS under the umbrella of their own government, rather than under the umbrella of their Sister Societies, Federation and/or ICRC Lack of understanding of the Movement’s complementary mandates Misperception that conflict response requires same approaches than disaster response -Invite them to add a few, or to comment 5

6 Some issues of possible operational concern
Preparedness: possible escalation in South China Sea Regional migration (along different migratory trails) Explore possible effects of climate change on conflict risks Popul. movement as a result of intercommunal violence Particularly vulnerable groups affected by migration (Victims of Human Trafficking, Unaccompanied Minors) Some issues of possible common strategic concern Promotion of IHL and humanitarian issues in SEA Strengthening the RFL network Strengthening understanding of Fundamental Principles with external actors Strengthening of the Red response/pillar Regional training Integration of SEA NS staff into international operations LEAVE IT UP TO PARTICIPANTS TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINION 6

7 Your suggestions/ ideas on a way forward on regional level?
Encourage discussion among NS on how we can collaborate on the regional level 7

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