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3.16 Take Opportunities to Stand and Be Counted

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Presentation on theme: "3.16 Take Opportunities to Stand and Be Counted"— Presentation transcript:

1 3.16 Take Opportunities to Stand and Be Counted

2 CONNECTION Reread your Chocolate Milk piece. What is one thing you do well? Tell your partner.

3 CONNECTION What is one thing that you want to get better at?
Tell your partner.

4 CONNECTION Erin Brockovich

5 TEACHING POINT Writers work to make change in the world by doing their research and then writing to affect the way others see the topic. This is called social activism.

6 TEACHING What topics get you mad or excited? What do you want to change? Idea Reasons

7 TEACHING Go back to your seats to write a flashdraft. If you finish, try another idea. If you need help starting, stay put.

8 MIDWORKSHOP Timelines and goals Finish Friday
What is your plan for what you will get done each day?

9 SHARE What do you do well? Put a star.
What do you need to work on? Put the paperclip slider. Turn and talk

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