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Ionic Bond Review Electron is taken by one atom from another atom.

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Presentation on theme: "Ionic Bond Review Electron is taken by one atom from another atom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ionic Bond Review Electron is taken by one atom from another atom.
Bond is formed by + and – charges Metal + nonmetal

2 Ionic Bond Review The two atoms can only combine in one way in ionic bonds, so the naming is simple NaCl – sodium chloride KBr – potassium bromide CaF2 – calcium fluoride

3 Covalent Bond Review Electrons are shared between two atoms
Bond is formed by a shared pair of electrons Generally a nonmetal + nonmetal

4 Covalent Compound Naming
Uses a different system than ionic because nonmetals form a variety of combinations NO NO2

5 Covalent Compound Naming
One similarity First element still keeps the same name; the second element ends in -ide

6 Covalent Compound Naming
Differences Both compounds get a prefix that tells what the number of atoms of each element has. ONLY EXCEPTION: If the first element has only one atom, the prefix mono- is dropped

7 Prefixes One = Mono- Two = Di- Three = Tri- Four = Tetra-
Five = Penta- Six = Hexa- Seven = Hepta- Eight = Octa- Nine = Nona- Ten = Deca-

8 Given name Diphosphous monoxide Trisilicon tetrasulfide
Carbon tetrachloride

9 Given Formula P2O3 CO

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