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Proposal to amend the method of Gap-filling missing data

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1 Proposal to amend the method of Gap-filling missing data
TFEIP/ EIONET Meeting ■ Zagreb ■ EU CLRTAP emissions inventory Proposal to amend the method of Gap-filling missing data ETC/ACM Bernhard Ullrich

2 Agenda What are the MS data submissions under the LRTAP used for?
Why is gap-filling needed? What is the current situation/ methodology? Comparison of current and proposed gap-filling. What are the benefits?

3 Use of MS data submitted under LRTAP
EU LRTAP inventory: Data used to compile the EU LRTAP inventory and report to fulfill the reporting obligation. EMEP LRTAP inventory: Webdab database ( Data used for spatial emission mapping: EMEP grid. Data used for modelers (MSC East, MSC West, …)

4 Countries included in the …
EU LRTAP inventory: EU-28 Member States EMEP LRTAP inventory: 51 countries & 13 areas (e.g.: Baltic sea)

5 Why gap-filling? In principle there should be no need to gap-fill EU/ EMEP LRTAP data. Parties to the LRTAP convention are obliged to deliver: complete and accurate inventories. Unfortunateley there are data gaps, therefore gap-filling is required to create a „complete as possible“ inventory.

6 Gap-filling for the EU LRTAP inventory
Methodology paper from EEA & ETC/ACM in 2009. Agreed on in Sept by MS. This methodology was used for the 2010 to 2016 EU submissions. Slightly changed in 2015 (because no data was submitted under the EU GHG MMR)

7 Gap-filling for the EMEP LRTAP inventory
Most actual data are exported from database. Different data sources are used for gap-filling (e.g.: NEC, CRF, …). Gap-filling is done manually. Differentiated approaches depending on the data submitted: Copy or linear inter- and extrapolation of previous reported data Data from expert estimates Data from other models (IIASA, EDGAR, …) Data submitted under the NECD or EU GHG MMR Most actual data exported from database (if not from the current year, then from past years) then different data sources are used for gapfilling (e.g. NEC, CRF, ..) Differentiated approaches depending on the data submitted Copy or linear inter- and extrapolation of previous reported data Data from expert estimates Data from other models (IIASA, EDGAR, …) Data submitted under the NECD or EU GHG MMR

8 What are the main goals of this proposal?
To ease the gap-filling procedure (especially for EMEP LRTAP data) To harmonise the EU and EMEP LRTAP datasets. Most actual data exported from database (if not from the current year, then from past years) then different data sources are used for gapfilling (e.g. NEC, CRF, ..) Differentiated approaches depending on the data submitted Copy or linear inter- and extrapolation of previous reported data Data from expert estimates Data from other models (IIASA, EDGAR, …) Data submitted under the NECD or EU GHG MMR

9 Overview of the current gap-filling
EU LRTAP Gap-filling EMEP LRTAP Gap-filling Member States Data submitted to EIONET (CDR) ETC Gap - filling EU LRTAP inventory EMEP LRTAP Data submitted to under NECD EU GHG MMR IIASA EDGAR ... Further gap filling procedures Manual corrections gap Most actual data exported from database (if not from the current year, then from past years) then different data sources are used for gapfilling (e.g. NEC, CRF, ..) Differentiated approaches depending on the data submitted Copy or linear inter- and extrapolation of previous reported data Data from expert estimates Data from other models (IIASA, EDGAR, …) Data submitted under the NECD or EU GHG MMR

10 Overview of the proposed gap-filling
* of remaining gaps (e.g. EMEP areas) New LRTAP Gap-filling EU LRTAP inventory Member States Data submitted to EIONET (CDR) New Gap - filling LRTAP Data submitted to EMEP under NECD EU GHG MMR IIASA EDGAR ... Further gap filling procedures Manual corrections gap filling*

11 Overview of the proposed gap-filling
* of remaining gaps (e.g. EMEP areas) New LRTAP Gap-filling EU LRTAP inventory Member States Data submitted to EIONET (CDR) New Gap - filling LRTAP Data submitted to EMEP under NECD EU GHG MMR IIASA EDGAR ... Further gap filling procedures Manual corrections gap filling*

12 Changes & benefits LRTAP data submitted to EMEP ranked before EU GHG MMR data, NECD data. Simplification of the EMEP LRTAP gap-filling technique Data for both applications are using the same source and will therefore be comparable.

13 Contact & information Thank you for your attention!
For further information please get in touch with: Most actual data exported from database (if not from the current year, then from past years) then different data sources are used for gapfilling (e.g. NEC, CRF, ..) Differentiated approaches depending on the data submitted Copy or linear inter- and extrapolation of previous reported data Data from expert estimates Data from other models (IIASA, EDGAR, …) Data submitted under the NECD or EU GHG MMR

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