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When Harry came home from school on Monday, he found 12 cookies on the table. Harry really liked cookies and was looking forward to eating them all up.

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Presentation on theme: "When Harry came home from school on Monday, he found 12 cookies on the table. Harry really liked cookies and was looking forward to eating them all up."— Presentation transcript:

1 When Harry came home from school on Monday, he found 12 cookies on the table. Harry really liked cookies and was looking forward to eating them all up. He was just about to The doorbell rang...

2 It was his cousin Lilly. Harry liked it when Lilly came over
It was his cousin Lilly. Harry liked it when Lilly came over. He like playing with her. Harry decided he was going to share his cookies with Lilly.

3 Harry and Lilly got out two plates
Harry and Lilly got out two plates. Harry said to Lilly: What shall we do next? How can we share fairly? What would you do? That’s exactly what Harry and Lilly did. They put one cookie on each plate until they were all shared out?

4 They were just about to tuck into the cookies,. when the doorbell rang

5 They went to open the door. It was Kylie. She wanted to play with Harry. Harry decided to share his cookies with Kylie too.

6 They went to the kitchen and got another plate and then thought about how they could share the cookies. What do you think? How many will each of them get? Let’s see if you are right. They all got four biscuit each.

7 The three of them were just about to eat their cookies, when
The three of them were just about to eat their cookies, when the doorbell rang

8 They went to answer the door
They went to answer the door. Their neighbour Tonisha had come over to visit and Harry didn’t want to be rude so he invited her in.

9 They went to the kitchen and got some more plates and then thought about how they could share the cookies. What do you think? How many will each of them get? Let’s see if you are right. They all got three biscuit each.

10 They were just about to eat their cookies, when........the doorbell rang

11 They went to open the door
They went to open the door. It was Alan and Sophie, who had come over to play. Harry invited them in. He didn’t want to be mean, so he asked them if they wanted some cookies too. They said “Yes”, so Harry got some more plates.

12 They now needed to share 12 cookies between 6 children
They now needed to share 12 cookies between 6 children. How many do you think each of them will get? Let’s see. 2 each. That’s correct.

13 They were just about to eat their cookies when .......... The doorbell rang....

14 They went to answer the door. It was Dad
They went to answer the door. It was Dad. He had picked up Harry’s three baby sister from playschool. The triplets were very hungry. Dad also brought home Mrs Martin’s daughters Sally and Carrie, because Mrs Martin was working late today. Harry, who was very polite, asked if Dad, Sally, Carrie and the triplets would like to share his cookies. They all replies: “Yes, please.”

15 So Harry got some more plates
So Harry got some more plates. They now needed to share 12 biscuits between 12 people. How many will each of them get? They now had one cookie each.

16 They were all very much looking forward to eating their cookies when
They were all very much looking forward to eating their cookies when The doorbell rang...

17 Harry was getting a little worried now
Harry was getting a little worried now. He was kind and he was polite, but he really did want to eat at least one cookie. He wondered who was at the door. The doorbell rang again, so Harry decided opened the door.... Who do you think it was?

18 It was Nana. And guess what
It was Nana. And guess what. She brought a basket full of goodies, including lots cookies.

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