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HFN 2O Food and Nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "HFN 2O Food and Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 HFN 2O Food and Nutrition

2 What is the course about?
This course focuses on guidelines for making nutritious food choices. Throughout the semester, we will be . . . investigating factors that influence food choices, such as beliefs, attitudes, current trends, traditional eating patterns, food marketing strategies, and individual needs exploring the environmental impact of a variety of food choices at the local and global levels practicing safe food preparation protocols, such as learning proper knife handling techniques, and earning a Safe Food Handlers certificate Most importantly, we will be testing and preparing a wide assortment of recipes and meals (that we get to eat!)

3 How can I be successful in this course?
Show up on time, ready to work. Participate as much as possible, and listen to what others have to say. Ask questions if I don’t understand something, or need extra help. Hand my assignments in on time, or ask the teacher for extra time and help, if needed. Make sure to pick up missed assignments if I’m sick or away from class. Be respectful of myself, my classmates, my teacher, and my classroom. Follow all safety procedures as outlined on my signed agreement.

4 How can I be successful in this course?

5 Basic Course Policies Attendance
Attend regularly to ensure that you have the most up-to-date knowledge of what is being studied, what assignments are coming due, and the individual expectations of each task. If you are away, consult the course envelopes (marked by dates) for missed hand outs, etc. Hand outs will remain in the dated folder for at least one week, or until the date is changed. It is your responsibility to keep me informed of absences due to extracurricular activities, family commitments, etc. if they are known ahead of time. It is also your responsibility to ensure that you are caught up on what has been missed while you’re away.

6 Basic Course Policies Late Policy
Deadlines will be assigned for all major assignments. It is important that you work to meet these deadlines, using the time and resources provided to complete the assignment. If you think that you will be unable to complete an assignment in the time required, it’s your responsibility to speak with the teacher and negotiate an appropriate extension. In order for the assignment to be graded, this new deadline must be met, or else a grade of “zero” will be awarded. Once any assignment has been marked and returned to the class, students who have yet to complete the assignment can no longer submit this work as a late submission, and a grade of “zero” will be awarded. Alternative assignments can be discussed with the teacher should you take the initiative to arrange make up work. Exceptions to the late policy will be made in the case of medical necessity, bereavement, or other exceptional circumstances.

7 Stay Connected!

8 Stay Connected! Edsby Remind Email
Used for general school updates, such as attendance marks announcements Used for daily course updates, such as lesson hand outs assignment descriptions class photos Remind Used for timely reminders, such as changes to class location items/fees/work/etc. that need to be brought to school important deadlines/dates (eg., tests, assignments, etc.) This is for parent/guardian communication ONLY. This if for student communication ONLY.

9 Parent/Guardian Involvement
In order for an individual to be as successful as possible in this course, it is imperative that students, teachers, and parents/guardians are on the same page. Please ensure that you take the time to review the course outline, policies, and means of communication with your parents/guardians, and have them sign this sheet to indicate that they have reviewed these components with you. Course Introduction Checklist I have taken the time to review each of the following items with my child: PowerPoint Introduction (online or paper copy) Course Outline Foods Introductory Letter (must be signed and returned) Safety Procedures Agreement (must be signed and returned) Academic Responsibility Policy Means of Communication (included in the PowerPoint Introduction) Name: __________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________

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