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ROOT WORDS Scrib, Script = Write.

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Presentation on theme: "ROOT WORDS Scrib, Script = Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROOT WORDS Scrib, Script = Write

2 Describe To say or write down how something or someone looks; to use adjectives in writing

3 Inscription A short dedication written in a book or engraved on something, such as a coin or monument.

4 Manuscript A piece of writing: a book

5 Postscript P.S.; a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished

6 Prescription A piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you get medicine at the pharmacy

7 Scribble Sloppy writing that is hard to read.

8 Scribe A person who writes things down

9 Script A set of papers with writing that will be read and acted out.

10 Subscription A written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of time.

11 Transcribe To write down or record; to translate

12 The End!!! Take your grammar folders home on Thursday to study for your test on Friday!

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