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What to include in your personal evaluation

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1 What to include in your personal evaluation
Criteria 1: Evaluation of the project plan and process 1) Explain at least 3 strengths and weaknesses of your plan and the process of carrying out the group project. Include: The roles carried out Time management Meeting and discussing ideas as a team Carrying out the cross cultural collaboration 2) Suggest 3 ways that you would improve your plan and process if you did the group project again

2 Criteria 2: Evaluation of a project outcome
Restate the aims from your project plan Evaluate (successes and weaknesses) your progress towards meeting them e.g. partially, fully, not at all Suggest how you could improve, develop or extend your outcome so that it is more likely to achieve the aims.

3 Criteria 3: evaluation of individual contribution and learning
What were the successes and weaknesses of your own work within the group? How could you improve? What were the benefits and challenges of carrying this out in the group that you did? What did you actually learn about the issues that you explored through the project? What did the cross cultural collaboration teach you about other perspectives on your issue?

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