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Bellringer: Feb 2 and 3 Write on paper to be submitted:

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: Feb 2 and 3 Write on paper to be submitted:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: Feb 2 and 3 Write on paper to be submitted:
What does it mean to be intolerant? When is it good to be intolerant? When is it not so good to be intolerant? YOU DON’T NEED TO WRITE THE QUESTIONS.

2 Agenda: Most are finishing the Common Assessment – you only have today to finish this test. This test should only take you two days and today is day #2. Some need to finish their performance task assignment with revising and editing. If you finish both, you must see me for the next assignment.

3 Ticket Out What would you like people to be more tolerant of in American or William Penn Society? How would you like them to change their behavior or their thinking?

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