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CSDA Public Speaking Competition

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1 CSDA Public Speaking Competition
Adjudicator Briefing 2015 While the roll is called, please check you have: The adjudicator guidelines The CSDA IT Guidelines 2015 Feedback and Results sheet 3 X Individual Feedback forms Spare paper

2 Use of Technology (1) As of 2015, the CSDA has an Information Technology Guideline document ratified by the ACSP. The extract relating to adjudicators is: Adjudicators Adjudicators are permitted to use a computing device to make notes about a speech strictly in accordance with the following conditions: The computing device must not have at any time during the debate or presentation, an active internet connection. The computing device must not record at any time during the debate or presentation, audio or visual content of any speech, in whole or in part. The notes created must be typed and must not incorporate or link to sound or visual bytes.

3 Use of Technology (2) Hard copy and electronic notes and files created by the adjudicator for the purposes of any debate or presentation are the property of the adjudicator. The adjudicator must not however show, provide, distribute or share any such notes or files to or with any person. This shall not prevent the adjudicator from providing verbal feedback to any debater or public speaker. No person may record, in whole or in part, any verbal adjudicator feedback. Penalty: In the event of an adjudicator breaching the above guidelines, the Executive Officer of the CSDA, having first and at the time provided an opportunity to the adjudicator to be heard on the matter, may, in his or her absolute discretion direct the adjudicator to discontinue or permit to continue the use of computing devices to make notes about a speech in the CSDA competition.

4 What does CSDA expect in a speech?
A speech is based on a central theme which is suggested by the topic The speaker should choose material suitable for the audience The speaker should choose a style of delivery suited to the material

5 The speaker must present a speech.
Not an act Not a recitation Not a comedy performance.

6 Material CONTENT: This must be linked to the given topic,
either directly or by suggestion. Consequently, originality should not be penalised.

7 Material The speech must be substantially the speaker’s own material.
Adjudicators are not expected to be experts in every field. Therefore they must not allow their own special knowledge to prejudice their judgement of the material presented.

8 STYLE Unobtrusive use of notes. Appropriate use of language.
This includes: Effective eye contact. Unobtrusive use of notes. Appropriate use of language. Clear and varied use of voice. Gestures which assist in conveying a message.

9 STYLE The speaker should feel an affinity with the material and present it naturally. In establishing a rapport with the audience the personality of the speaker should be projected.

10 STRUCTURE The material presented should be developed in a logical and ordered fashion. A good speech will make its point within the time allowed. Humour should be a means to an end, not an end in itself.

11 Look and listen The adjudicator should assess the overall impression made by the speaker and give her/him a single mark or ranking relative to the other speakers. In the CSDA competition, progressive totalling of marks is not the practice. These marks / ranks should never be revealed to the speakers.

12 USE of topic throughout competition
In CSDA competition, a speaker is permitted to use the same topic and deliver the same speech in each of the 3 rounds. OR A speaker is permitted to present a reworking of the Round 1 speech on the same topic in each of the Zone Final and Final. (This is allowed because many students have either assessment tasks or camps at the time the Public Speaking competition is held.)

13 Adjudication feedback (to the room)
Address the participants and audience. Short and simple. Never talk for longer than an individual speaker! Choose a few (3) strengths across all speakers presented to deliver first. State the winners in order of presentation, not order of merit. Keep positive – everyone is there for the enjoyment of the sport.

14 Adjudication feedback (Continued)
After the result is given If you wish to discuss more feedback, invite the participants back to a public area where the convenor is located. Be available to answer questions from participants. Avoid written feedback where possible. If written feedback is requested, use the official feedback form only. Any issues, see me!

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