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Making Decisions with Probability

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Presentation on theme: "Making Decisions with Probability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Decisions with Probability
Investigation 3 – What Do You Expect?

2 3.1 Bell Ringer

3 3.1 – Designing a Spinner What time do you think is most likely to occur? Is Kalvin’s Father likely to agree to use this spinner? Why or why not?

4 3.1 – Designing a Spinner 3. What is the theoretical probability that the pointer lands on 9:00, 10:00, and on 11:00? 4. Suppose Kalvin spins the pointer 64 times. Based on your theoretical probabilities, how many times can you expect the pointer to land on 9:00, 10:00, and on 11:00? 5. Describe one way Kalvin’s father can design a spinner so that Kalvin is most likely to go to bed at 9:00.

5 3.2 Bell Ringer

6 3.2 – Analyzing Fairness Directions: there are suggestions for making a decision. Decide whether each suggestion is a fair way to make the decision. If not, explain why.

7 3.2 – Analyzing Fairness Directions: there are suggestions for making a decision. Decide whether each suggestion is a fair way to make the decision. If not, explain why.

8 3.2 – Analyzing Fairness Directions: there are suggestions for making a decision. Decide whether each suggestion is a fair way to make the decision. If not, explain why.

9 3.3 Bell Ringer Give an example of a game that you know you can win (I.E. You have figured out a strategy for winning).

10 3.3 – Analyzing a Game

11 3.3 – Analyzing a Game

12 3.3 – Analyzing a Game

13 3.4 Bell Ringer What does simulation mean?

14 3.4 – Designing and Using a Simulation

15 3.4 – Designing and Using a Simulation

16 3.4 – Designing and Using a Simulation

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