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Blaming Others Blame is common Athletics, Politics, Academics

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2 Blaming Others Blame is common Athletics, Politics, Academics
Homosexuality, Alcoholism Individual responsibility

3 Blaming Others We Are Responsible Gal. 6:5 Judged individually
2 Cor. 5:10 Repent, not excuse Acts 3:19

4 Blaming Others Satan Spouse Shepherds Situations

5 Blaming Others Satan Satan Tempted Eve Gen. 3:1-6 Sin & separation
Blame Gen. 3:13 Consequences Gen. 3:16, 24

6 Blaming Others Satan We cannot blame Satan He tempts us
Mt. 4:3; 1 Pet. 5:8 Drinking Prov. 20:1 Sexual immorality 1 Cor. 6:18

7 Blaming Others Satan We cannot blame Satan Free-will beings
Josh. 24:15 Resist the devil Jas. 4:7; 1 Pt. 5:9

8 Blaming Others Spouse Adam blamed Eve Gen. 3:11, 12 Admits sin.
Responsible. Gen. 3:17-19, 24

9 Do your duty regardless
Blaming Others Spouse Do your duty regardless Job rejected his wife’s advice Job 2:9, 10 Anger Eph. 4:26, 27 Tongue Jas. 3:9, 10

10 Do your duty regardless
Blaming Others Spouse Do your duty regardless Love God more Lk. 14:26 Stand alone 1 Pt. 3:1, 2

11 Blaming Others Shepherds Korah & Co. rebelled Num. 16:1-3 Excuses.
Share leadership Num. 16:9, 10 Tough conditions Num. 16:13 Wrong direction Num. 16:14

12 Blaming Others Shepherds Korah & Co. rebelled Num. 16:1-3
The REAL reason Num. 16:29, 30 Held responsible Num. 16:31-35 Destroys men Destroys families

13 Blaming Others Some blame leaders Shepherds Excuses
“They withdrew from my…” “He doesn’t care for me…” “He offended me…” Shepherds

14 Blaming Others Some blame leaders Shepherds Do not grumble or murmur
1 Cor. 10:1-12; 1 Tim. 5:19 Responsibilities Elders Acts 20:28-32 Preachers 2 Tim. 4:2-5 Members Heb. 13:17; Lk. 8:18 Shepherds

15 Blaming Others Saul blamed trouble Situations War with Philistines
1 Sam. 13:5-7 Sin 1 Sam. 13:8-10 Excuse 1 Sam. 13:11, 12 Responsible 1 Sam. 13:13, 14 Situations

16 Some blame life’s cares Situations
Blaming Others Some blame life’s cares Lack of service Heb. 10:24, 25; 2 Tim. 2:15 Excuses Homework Housework Ball game Bills Endanger the soul Mk. 4:18, 19 Situations

17 Blaming Others Satan Spouse Shepherds Situations

18 Blaming Others Blame is common Athletics, Politics, Academics.
Homosexuality, Alcoholism. Individual responsibility?

19 Blaming Others We Are Responsible Gal. 6:5 Judged individually
2 Cor. 5:10 Repent, not excuse Acts 3:19

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